Well, we sure have been seeing the rain the past few days. It is refreshing, really. But, it seems the idea of rain has taken over everyone, even Carter. So, this Thursday we were riding in the car on the way to the boys school, and Baby Cole began to sneeze. He sneezed atleast 10 times, literally. Each sneeze follwed by "Goodness Baby Cole", "Bless You Baby Cole", or "Oh... BABY COLE!!!", from his older brother of course. Towards the end of Coleman's sneezing fit, Carter exclaimed, "Mommy, Baby Cole is RAINING!!!"'... also known to us as spitting. Oh so funny.... they grow so fast. Today, Jeremy and I were having a bit of a "discussion" when Carter walked over to his daddy and said, "Now Daddy, that's enough, Now Daddy, that's enough." There is nothing like a 3 year old putting you in your place. Oh, welcome back to inside the Big Top... on rainy days! Have a great week.